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Origin: The ancient Russian word "fluck" originated in the early 420's AD, during the Phillepe Dynasty. The duck was considered an extremely holy life form at this time, and due to the great amount of respect for these holy creatures, King Phillepe began to obsessively breed these animals inside of his enormous Russian compound. He began to notice a strange breeding pattern in which he later noted as "flucking", the extremely rare event in nature where a flock of wild ducks fuck together in an open area.

(v.) Flucking - When a flock of wild ducks fuck.
(n.) Fluck - The sight of flucking.
(v.) Flucked - When you are forced(raped) into a fluck by a duck or a flock of ducks.
(n.) Flucker - A living thing other than a duck(usually a human) that participates in flucks willingly.

"Whoaaa braaahh did you see all of that flucking going on at the pond earlier?"

"Fuck. That fucking flock of flucking ducks needs to fucking fly the fuck away and find another fucking place to fluck with other flocks of flucking ducks. Fluck me I hate flucks. Those fluckers."

"I was flucked yesterday... still picking feathers out of my ass."

by ZebraSeal May 15, 2014

116👍 51👎

Ginger Devil

Ginger = Devil

A "ginger devil" is a particularly soulless red head. Ginger devils are very rare but extremely dangerous. BE AWARE!1! One very common action of ginger devils are that they have an obsession with flicking other individuals. Be careful because these flicks will suck the soul right out of you and into the soulless ginger devil! If you suspect a ginger devil in your community, call 1-800-NOMOREGINGERS immediately!

"Oh my gosh did you see that Emma girl? I think shes a ginger devil!"

by ZebraSeal May 15, 2014

24👍 6👎