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Tame the animal

V.) When four people grab each limb of person and pull so they cannot escape, leaving the victim helpless. Some versions of this include locking the victim in a cage after taming them. The victim is called an animal because of how much they squirm when being tamed.

“Hey guys, once Parker is out of the bathroom, we should all Tame the animal then lock him in the sauna.”

by Zesty Uncle January 3, 2024

The Compost

The location where both people and animals are dry-farmed.

Dirty Mike and the boys just took me to the compost. Boy am I loose!

by Zesty Uncle August 20, 2020

3👍 2👎


When you drive your clenched fist straight into your girls tight and dry pussy. Once inside, expand your hand open like a blooming flower. Works for both pussy and ass.

After my mother and I finished dry-farming, we went to the zoo.

by Zesty Uncle August 20, 2020

3👍 1👎


A more vulgar use of the word “buttcrack”.

“I should shove a goddamn bottle of horchata up yo fucking Shitcrack!” -EDP445

by Zesty Uncle January 3, 2024