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University of Michigan

One of the world's premiere academic institutions. Arguably the best public university in the nation with a total of 40,000 students, both undergraduate and graduate. Michigan has top-ranked programs in law, business, medicine, political science, and an array of other subjects. Virtually no area at Michigan is ranked below the top 20 in the country, allowing for it to rival the Ivy league as well as the other selective private institutions despite its high admission rate (47%).

Home to Michigan Stadium, colloquially termed "The Big House", the University of Michigan is also known for its legendary football, hockey, and formerly its basketball team (We all remember the Fab 5).

Michigan is one of the country's leaders in athletics, academics, and college life in general--located in beautiful Ann Arbor. You simply cannot go wrong with the University of Michigan.

"I got offers from investment banks in New York City six months before I graduated from The University of Michigan"

"Hail To the Victors"

"If you have to choose between Harvard and Michigan, go to Harvard. But, if you have to choose between Michigan and Northwestern, do yourself a favor and go to Michigan."

by Zizu March 18, 2007

1423👍 805👎

michigan state university

There are two types of people who attend Michigan State University:

1. People who were, quite frankly, too stupid to get into the University of Michigan


2. People who are happy to be there because, quite frankly, they couldn't get into anywhere else

Type 1 will often ramble on and on about how bad U of M "sucks", and will often try to fabricate reasons for why this is true. Type 1 will claim that U of M is "overrated" for undergraduate studies while ignoring our business, engineering, and LSA schools (top ranked in the country no matter how you spin it), our direct placement into great jobs after graduation, and our placement into top graduate, medical, and law schools across the country after graduation.

Type 1 will often argue that MSU is the place to go if you want to party. OK. U of M is the place to go if you want a GOOD job. Michigan graduates will secure jobs with firms in NYC, LA, and Chicago. MSU grads STAY in Michigan.

Both Type 1 and Type 2 truly believe in a rivalry between Michigan and Michigan State, which Michigan students will refuse to acknowledge simply because they already KNOW they're better.

Michigan State students are not taught to love Michigan State--they're taught to hate the University of Michigan. What you get is a school of bitter idiots who party so much in order to drink away the pain of rejection from one of our nation's great universities.

"Dude, U of M sucks for undergrad. Our girls are so much hotter."

"Dude, I'd rather spend my college years having fun than go to Michigan and study all the time."

"Uh, yeah...I got into Michigan, but, uh...yeah...I saw how they studied so I was like 'FUCK THAT'."

"Michigan State University is comparable to the likes of Stanford, Berkeley, Yale, Michigan, and Carnegie Mellon. People just don't know it yet!"

by Zizu March 14, 2007

529👍 832👎