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A 'Ferguson' is a type of mammal which is characterised by its blond hair that is of its own life form. The hair does what it pleases, forming the 'Ferguson' part of the mammal.

The 'Ferguson' is not restricted to head hair, but also extended to chest hair and...you know the rest.

Often, when a 'Ferguson' is sighted it must be shot down immediately as it is fashionably contagious.

Not to be confused with an Angus, the organism which the Ferguson clings to.

Beware. Little is known as to whether the Ferguson has detrimental side effects. Documented cases of victims of Fergusitis have had symptoms including nausea, cancer of the eyes, rejection, depression and inconvenience.

Elmer Fudd: "Be veeeewwy quiet, I'm hunting Fergusons."
Ferguson: "Ehh, what's up doc?"


Angus: "Had a dream that a Ferguson infected me. Woke up, not a dream."

Sam: "Get a haircut."
Angus: "I can't, it's a case of the Ferguson!"

by Zozimus and Alexander November 4, 2011

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