Are- are you that stupid?! Did you actually search up p l a n t ? THIS BITCH STUPID i-
You: What's a plant?
Me: Marijuana.
You: oh...hey can i get marijuana?
Me: ...i-...yeah i got lots.
Person: Hey! Do you have a life?
Other person: What's that?
Person: ... i-
why tf r u looking up m e m e s- bitch- go to youtube. tf??
You: whats are memes
Me: -slaps the shIT outta you-
Basicaly means your never getting a turn on my Xbox. :\ Tough luck bud. Okay leave.
Person A: Hey can I get a turn?
Person B: Sure, one second.
-4 hours later-
Person A: Can I get a turn now?
Person B: You JUST asked. Dude chill.