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I believe the definition for Pansexual needs to be altered a bit. Many of the definitions provided on this site, and most others for that matter, are provided by people who identify as pan and as such often come off a bit insulting to other orientations.

Yes. Pansexual represents one who is attracted to an individual regardless of gender or gender identification. Like everyone else has said, they can love/be attracted to ALL... not just male or female.

But, I highly doubt you'll meet very many bisexuals who would identify themselves any differently. The problem with "bisexual" is the word itself because it DOES imply the binary male and female. But, in practice, very few bisexual individuals actually look at love in that fashion.

A straight person, a gay person, a bisexual person, they can all date and love a transgender person and that doesn't make them not straight or not gay or not bisexual. In fact, transgendered identifying people would probably be insulted if their girlfriend or boyfriend was suddenly labeled as "not straight", that implies that the transgendered person is somehow less male or less female than someone genetically born that way.

The definitions for pansexual on here are mostly accurate, but they fail to acknowledge that all these labels are part of the problem in the first place. Just love who you want however you want and if someone asks, "what are you?" Tell them it doesn't matter... or make something up who cares.

Doug: I'm so happy I met my new boyfriend, he's really changed my life.

Suzie: Isn't he trans... I thought you were gay?

Doug: I am gay, my boyfriend is a guy, end of story.

Suzie: Oh, well I'm pansexual so I don't even think about gender, I'm basically blind to gender which is really what the world needs.

Doug: I think the world just needs less labels. Who cares if you're pan or I'm gay... I know who I love and that's what matters.

by _The Muffin Man_ May 23, 2013

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