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Ace Trappola

kinda bitchy. can be a good person sometimes.

troublemaker, DEFINITELY. 100% breaks rules without knowing he's breaking rules. sometimes does it on purpose.

*character from Twisted Wonderland.*

Guy 1: "Hey, did you hear about Ace Trappola?"
Guy 2: "Isn't he that guy who almost got expelled on his first day?"
Guy 1: "Crazy, right?"

by _bookworm July 7, 2022


A really good book, but which made me bawl my eyes out and scream for Marie Lu's blood. :)

Can be used to describe a book that is really good but made you want to get the author's blood and cry till the end of time. Eventually you'll get over it and appreciate the writing, but until that moment...

"That book was such a Champion!" -Girl

"Oh god, are you ok?" -Guy

"What do you think??!" -Girl

by _bookworm July 7, 2022


a ship with Scaramouche and Mona from Genshin Impact.

they're pretty cool in my opinion.

one thinks the stars are fake and mona actually knows that because she is an ✨ astrologist✨

You can use it to describe two people who are in love but fight with each other to deny their feelings but will inevitably get together at one point in their lives.

"Those two are such a Scaramona!" -Guy 1

"HEY! We are not a Scaramona!" -Girl 1
"Yeah, she's right we're not a Scaramona!" -Guy 2

"Hey, did you just agree with me on something?" -Girl 1 to Guy 2

by _bookworm July 7, 2022

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