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A place where you have a contest of holding your pee and a pure torture chamber of boredness to the point where you just don't care about anything and leaving school gives you the feeling of awsomeness and a place to hyptonize your parents to think that school is a good place and videogames cause violence and makes you very sad also student debt sucks and high school is just pure pain and finally where you have a intense contest of how insane you can go from school

Mom IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL You In Your Mind welp here goes another 7 hours of my life wasted in pure pain and a contest for insane things to get absolutely no prize at all MOM: GET HERE NOW YOUNG MAN You: OH NO NONONONONONONO

by a name that is totally not tok November 30, 2020

I'm Batman

I'm Batman

I'm Batman

by a name that is totally not tok December 3, 2020

6👍 1👎


Basically you're really hurt but you are sophisticated too a word to use for fancy people or memers and people who understand basic logic

You falls down stairs Friend: you ok? You: no i'm safen't Friend: That's not a word? You Yes It Is... YEEEEEEEEEEEEEET

by a name that is totally not tok December 14, 2020

You know the rules and so do I SAY GOODBYE

Basically yeeting people across the multiverse for a thing far worse then destroying the multiverse

Hey you know i'm vegan RiGhT? You: yes why are you asking Friend: and you know i have a dog right You:Yes Friend: And so is my do- You: You know the rules and so do I SAY GOODBYE

by a name that is totally not tok November 16, 2020

4👍 3👎