A shitty phone company that claims to be "The Leader in 5G" with an amazing network and good speeds but all you get is shitty speeds everywhere i mean ffs if you are going to make a real good 5G Network and be a leader of it have good internet speeds man
(Get Verizon or AT&T or even Cricket Wireless)
AT&T Costumer: HEY LARRY AND BEN! Did you see that video I sent earlier?
Verizon Wireless Costumer: Yes! it was so funny what about you Ben?
T-Mobile Costumer: No! I sat there for 10-15 minutes looking at a literal spinning circle I tried turning off mobile data and turning it back on nothing happened called costumer service sat on the phone for 2 hours and 43 minutes
Verizon Wireless Costumer: Oh Damn! Welp.. you should have never got T-Mobile
AT&T Costumer: Yeah you should switch back to Verizon
T-Mobile Costumer: I can't i'm stuck in a contract with them for another year... another year of shitty service! DAMN YOU T-MOBILE!
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