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a type of roast that is requested by the roastee as a punishment for something they REALLY shouldn't have done.

Person 1: Hey, bro, can you flatbread me?
Person 2: Sure, why?
Person 1: I want my girlfriend to step on me.
Person 2: Ok, tak... You want your girlfriend to step on you? That's so disgusting, only someone as depraved as you would want something as gross as that.
Person 1: Fucking owie

by a schizophrenic teenager December 17, 2020


A kind of roast that is requested by the roastee, as a sort of punishment for doing something they REALLY shouldn't have done

Person 1: Hey, bro, can you flatbread me?
Person 2: Sure, why?
Person 1: I want my girlfriend to step on me.
Person 2: Ok, *tak*... That's so disgusting, you're so disgusting. Only a sick depraved person like you would want that.
Person 1: Fucking owie

by a schizophrenic teenager December 17, 2020