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3.P.A.W is a master specimen of a fucked up childhood, a cross dressing father and a mother whos boyfriend has german porn star moustache. 3PAW is a sexual pervert who collects doll money and lives at a holiday camp in a trailer with his 2 kids and wife. He is partially responsible for my brothers warped sexual thoughts and actions. 3paw is also a very good friend of mine and he knows iv got his back anytime he needs me. He will infect your mind like cancer and tell you what others are afraid to say, hes a top-man and he WILL fuck you up, (even if you are a inflatable pig) lol dude.

bITCH ASs rappers like snoop dogg and 50cent should be crucified in the dessert and stoned to death. With 3paw you get what you see, he may not be brad pitt or have the best flow in the rap game, but he always says what he feels, and that is why he is up there with slim shady, way out infront of the other wannabe cocks.

by aNAL Invasion of reese weatherspoond January 8, 2004

5👍 3👎