Source Code

perfect halloween

a halloween which is utterly perfect.

well if my mom came home and gave me a costume to wear that was a nazi uniform. that would definately be perfect.

by aNoNyMoUs April 7, 2003

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

the canasian invasion

a emo band made up of two asians and a canadian

by aNoNyMoUs August 30, 2003

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


pathetically gay - but no success in scoring on acount of his anatomical faults.. lack of.. say no more.. say no more..

buccn killed snx with worldspawn

by aNoNyMoUs March 14, 2003


an amazing instrument that makes the most beautiful music and is harder to play than any other instrument!!

the flute added a beautiful sound to the orchestra

by aNoNyMoUs January 17, 2005

169πŸ‘ 152πŸ‘Ž


To have a man insert his scrotum into another person's mouth in the fashion of a teabag into a mug with an up/down (in/out) motion.

Man: Let's teabag!
Your Daughter: Okay!

by aNoNyMoUs November 7, 2002

6013πŸ‘ 3243πŸ‘Ž

holy fishsticks

a term basically meaning holy shit, though acceptable around all people.

Holy fishsticks, Batman!

by aNoNyMoUs April 23, 2003

36πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


a sweet lil' girl with chubbie cheekers

Cindy is my lil' buttercup!!!

by aNoNyMoUs April 8, 2003

75πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž