1. Stanky pussy.
2. A cranky, complaining, self-centered, thankless bitch. The personification, if you will, of the first definition: stanky pussy.
My two-bit, carny-trash, mullet-headed lesbian boss is making me come in to work this weekend so she can leave early to spend a week in Aruba. What a clam.
31π 40π
sublime lyrics...santeria - My soul will have to wait till I get back
Find a heina of my own
1157π 287π
official exclamitory phrase of the blue crew....
A: "but i love you"
B: "i fuckin hate you"
A: "AUGH!!!!!!"
26π 34π
1. A person who has the unexplainable attraction to touch other mens behinds
2. A person who cannot pull off looking cool, no matter how they hold their cigarette
3. A man with a phone more feminine then is commonly found
26π 82π
a real momma is some body who bitch about everything u do
111π 183π
Valley person from places like pont, abercuntingnowhere, uppercomebucket etc. usually seen driving cavaliers or novas
19π 31π