Source Code

boner style

really gangsta cool shiz-natched.

That gang is boner style.

by aNoNyMoUs April 27, 2003

13πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

tripped face

To totally trip out on shrooms.

Created by Tony, the ill druglord of the Deuce.

I totally tripped face last weekend, and then my boyfriend convinced me I pooed on the floor.

by aNoNyMoUs December 3, 2004

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


a person that is a man and a woman

Juan A's mom is a shim

by aNoNyMoUs October 24, 2003

22πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Wench face

by aNoNyMoUs March 11, 2003

8πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Led Zeppelin

one of the all time great bands. jimmy page owns all those nu metal fags like slipknot AND
korn. led zeppelin is timeless and forever. nu metal is the gayest form of music ever written.slipknot's music is proof of that. HAIL TO THE MIGHTY LED ZEPPELIN--JOHN "BONZO" BONHAM R.I.P.

by aNoNyMoUs November 4, 2003

214πŸ‘ 503πŸ‘Ž

Led Zeppelin

The best band ever. Jimmy Page is the best guitarist to ever live.

by aNoNyMoUs September 26, 2003

78πŸ‘ 369πŸ‘Ž

Led Zeppelin

A band that people "love" just because they have heard Stairway, Black Dog, and other popular songs.

Bandwagon-jumping idiot: Dude, I totally love Zeppelin.
Led Zeppelin fan: (sigh, walks away)

by aNoNyMoUs October 14, 2003

56πŸ‘ 348πŸ‘Ž