Source Code


Pre-made Crack-Cocaine rocks, is what it REALLY means bee-yotch

yo, i dropped all my cheese in the storm drain, damn

by aNoNyMoUs January 27, 2003

25πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž



I'm gonna go chomp on my ghoti....mmm tasty

by aNoNyMoUs July 28, 2003

28πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Acting like an effeminate gay man

by aNoNyMoUs May 13, 2003

123πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


Drummer of the Beatles
the best rock band ever.

Very sexy

Ringo is the sexiest drummer ever

by aNoNyMoUs August 21, 2003

597πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž


an extremely unintelligent remark or action

"I pulled an Ashna"

by aNoNyMoUs October 27, 2003

137πŸ‘ 293πŸ‘Ž


the word of all words, the only word you can use in any situation.

1. Oh Fuck!!!!
( anger, excitment, sadness, confusion, stupidity, pleasure, disappointment, hysterical, boredom, exhaustion, happiness, fright, frustration, shock, being disgusted, depression, surprised, embarrasment, being asamed, jealousy, lonliness, anxiousness, shyness, and anything fucking else you fucking people can feel!!!)

by aNoNyMoUs September 3, 2003

5034πŸ‘ 3229πŸ‘Ž

fat shit cat

slang for, "mangled yard waste"

by aNoNyMoUs July 16, 2003

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž