Pronounced: Yoo-are-ee-an-ass-shole
"Youareanasshole" exclaimed the little boy.
The thing you pull out when you put your hand down your pants.
He scratched his bum and pulled out some poo
He said "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz"
4👍 5👎
Sh-uh-tt-ee l-ey oop-ee-tee
An exclamation when you want to tell someone to shut up in a casual way.
"Shutty le uppity" said he.
Some clueless teenager who clearly watches too much Tik Tok, because they're unaware of what a real sigma is.
Joe: 'I'm a Sigma, I'm above all of you. All the alphas and betas bow down to me'.
Bob: 'Do you even know what a real Sigma is?'