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Cock Insert

The opposite of a Cock Block. This person helps their friend(s) get it in; to get the process of inserting the cock moving.

Andrew: "Dude, thanks for hooking me up with Elizabeth."
Nick: "Yeahh Becca, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten laid last night!"
Becca: "No problem guys. Cock Insert here to help."
Both guys: "Best Cock Insert EVER!"

by abeccap February 18, 2011

8👍 1👎

Opposite Mohawk

When a man (or woman) has hair on the sides of their head, but not in the middle/on the top. Usually because of hair loss, but sometimes because of bad hair cuts, or football season and/or camp.

Becca: Dude, check out that man. EPIC opposite mohawk going on.

Micaela: HAHA that's hilarious!


John: Dude! Yesterday at football practice, I got attacked by the other guys and a hair clipper! Now I have an opposite mohawk!

Kevin: That sucks bro. Just shave it all off.

by abeccap March 21, 2011

4👍 2👎