one who has taken part in the process of hippification; an individual who shows hippy-like qualities.
She's eating organic now and is mildly hippified.
He quit his job, is living out of his van and is totally hippified.
to not acknowledge: to defy admittance of something that is real or true, to not show recognition or realization, to brush someone or something off with a certain lack of respect for the situation.
He totally disacknowledged me. She disacknowledged that she had made a mistake and called the wrong number.
the process of acquiring hippy-like qualities. There are different levels of hippification, from mild to strong; present day hippification methods (i.e. eating organic, becoming vegan, wearing organic clothing, buying local, attending yoga classes, meditating) create modern-day hippies that defy stereotype.
He is going through the hippification process as he has bought 3 new tie-dye t-shirts and a peace sign bumper sticker.