Phrases or words that when repeated many times make you stumble and you can't say it:
One good tongue-twister is "rhubarb" - say it 5 times quickly.
Another is the classic "she sells sea shells by the sea shore"
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In the Egyptian dialect of Arabic, this means "this is bad." usually this phrase is said to little kids - it's kinda like "naughty boy/girl" or "that's naughty"
Jim: "Hey Mostapha, did you know yesterday I smacked my Reading class teacher on the behind?"
Mostapha: " kidda wihish ! Gosh I can't believe it."
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Getting really mad all of a sudden and doing something regrettable. AKA flying off the handle.
Sometimes I feel this urge for spontaneous combustion, but then I try to think to myself, "how will this fix the situation" and "what if I hurt someone, or do something very regrettable." I try to do something else instead, like take a walk or maybe play some basketball or play Halo.
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"Like" in Arabic. So instead of saying "like", people from the Middle east use the word yaani instead. To more accurately write the word in the way it is spoken it is sometimes spelled as ya3ni, because the 3 looks like the letter ayin.
Dude 1: Hey dude, yesterday I was talking with my teacher, and ... yaani, I said, yaani, why did you take off 10 points on my test. Yaani, it's so unfair.
Dude 2: Yeah, that guy is a prick.
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Yahoo's relatively new website for asking and answering questions about whatever you like, within some limitations.
This site is actually kind of addictive if you get into it. You have to be careful to distinguish between good and bad answers though, for example by googling or looking at the answerers ratings.
This website has grown a lot since it first started. There are hundreds of subsections, everything from Lebanon to Horoscopes(I still don't get why people are into that stuff), to Computers and Polls.
Sometimes on Yahoo Answers you see really provocative and interesting questions, but you also sometimes see some really boring or childish questions sometimes too. But overall it's an interesting site and you can also search through the millions of already-asked questions.
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An unknown thingamajig. A word used by old fogies, usually in their 60s or 70s or 80s. This word imparts much aggravation on the listener, however the speaker thinks it's a clever and hip word.
Dude 1: "Yesterday in class my prof was talking about something, and he said, "So if you take this set A of dooflachees, and this set B of widgets..." and then I immediately started to doze off while mashing my teeth."
Dude 2: "Ha, that old geezer thinks that annoying old slang is cool, what a douche bag."
Dude 1: "Yeah, but oh well. What can you do?"
Dude 2: "Ummm... drop the course?"
Dude 1: "yeah, but I can't. He's the only dude who teaches this class."
Dude 2: "Guess you're SOL then."
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A game show where it always seems the contestants they pick make ridiculous mistakes, and you wish that you were lucky enough to have a chance to make thousands just by saying your ABCs and spinning a big wheel.
Aaah Wheel of Fortune... or is it Wheel of Misfortune? In any case, the chances of getting onto this show are so miniscule that it's almost ridiculous.
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