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Stressed like catgut

Stressed out beyond description. From the use of catgut to make violins.

Dammit - I got two exams tomorrow plus I have to go to court. Stressed like catgut ... where the heck is the nearest gas station? I gotta get some Red Bull.

by adel7 December 4, 2007

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Rush Limbaugh education

The type of education whereby all one's information about world events, politics, and religion comes from Rush Limbaugh's radio show.

Basically, an education that brings another ditto head into being. Usually causes one to be narrow-minded, ill-informed, racist, and bigoted in general.

Rush Limbaugh education:

Caller: "Hey Rush, I'm another ditto head. I've studied under you for 10 years and I feel so empowered against these phony libs."

Rush: "Hey good for you. I am indeed El Rushbo the great magnificent cheese, and I'm proud of Americans like you - real patriots willing to fight those dirty terrorists and bring freedom! Thank you, and now we have a commercial break.... Do you feel safe at home? Well, there's a new system here for fighting all kinds of intruders and it's totally 100% effective. Trust me... blah blah blah..."

by adel7 January 13, 2008

439πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


A restaurant chain in Cali that sells some simple but good burgers and fries. Similar to whataburger in that they use pretty good ingredients.

The name is kinda cheesy, but in-n-out is pretty good if you ask me.

by adel7 December 4, 2007

229πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž


An adjective meaning "without hobos" - so it's hard to fine a hobeless city with a population of over 2 million people.

Los Angeless is hobeless? Not really, they're hobeful actually. We should do something about this issue.

by adel7 November 29, 2007

Hillary Clinton

A big-mouthed power-hungry woman who thinks that illegal immigrants should be allowed to get drivers licenses.

She's also a conniving and deceitful temptress who will probably get revenge of her husbands Oval Office scandal by having her own scandal, except probably it will be even more scandalous - because it will involve a horse and two mastiffs.

Hillary Clinton also has lied many times and is a very pro-Zionist bitch who did not do such a great job in New York.

Hillary Clinton as our next president... it seems like a very real possibility, but we should fight against her and go with someone truly motivational and new, like BO. BO - fa'sho. BO on top of the flo, fa sho.

by adel7 November 30, 2007

123πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


An acronym: Waste of time.

Something that causes one to lose lots of time without noticing.

Dude, MySpace can be such a WOT! I need to find a better hobby.

by adel7 September 2, 2007

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


An over-rated, over-priced, and mainly Jewish-influenced university. At this campus you'll see many a JAP, spoiled New England kids, prep, and party-seeking kids. Honestly, Tulane is very good only in a few areas, probably such as Medicine and Law, and the rest are mainly mediocre. Lots of party-goers though. Some of their frat parties are totally nuts, with a huge number of people overflowing out of a frat house, and it makes you wonder if some of these people ever crack a book.

After Katrina, Tulane decided to phase out their whole engineering department except for the degrees of: Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Engineering(Undecided), and Engineering Physics. This isn't too surprising considering that these departments were not Tulane's strong suits anyway. But the reasoning for ditching those departments: financial reasons. Yeah, right, after you take at least 30K from each person you don't have enough to keep the Engineering school going. Gimme a break.

Dude 1: "Man, I'm undecided about which school I should go to. I was accepted to Rice, UCLA, and Tulane. I'm leaning towards Tulane right now because I'm thinking it's a fun place."

Dude 2: "Dude, you want to spend that much money for an overrated school when you got accepted to Rice and UCLA? College isn't mainly about partying anyway, is it? And what's your major going to be anyway?"

Dude 1: "Mechanical Engineering."

Dude 2: "Well, in that case, you should know that Tulane cancelled that whole department after Katrina."

Dude 1: " Dang, OK, I'm thinking SoCal sounds better."

by adel7 September 11, 2007

121πŸ‘ 524πŸ‘Ž