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Hurricane Katrizzle

The ghetto way of saying Hurricane Katrina.

Back in 2005 when Hurricane Katrizzle came through, man that was no drizzle that katrizzle, that was some serious life-altering stuff.

by adel7 November 30, 2007

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


When a tornado comes by and you procrastinate the evacuation.

When I lived in Nebraska, my tornadocrastination almost killed me twice. Once I was sitting at home and I saw the big twister not too far away, but I said "aaah I still got time, give it five minutes sweetie" and next thing you know the windows started cracking and I started running like mad, and almost got hit by a flying telephone pole as I luckily found my way to the basement outside.

by adel7 December 1, 2007

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A corny way of saying oops, maybe to a little kid.

Aaaah man, oopseedoopseepoopsee - did I do that!?!

by adel7 January 13, 2008


The exclamation that one of the Nazi soldier in the classic FPS game Wolfenstein used to say when he saw you.

One of the oldest computer gaming memories I have is of my brother running through the mazes of Wolfenstein on his 486 and shooting down soldiers that would yell out "Soopbabble!" and then start shooting loudly at him. That game was totally awesome. For a walk down memory lane download that very compact-sized game and have a blast dude.

by adel7 September 10, 2007


The feeling one gets after eating a large meal from McDonalds, together with a large sugary soda and all the extra condiments. It's a very nervous feeling, where your stomach feels uneasy and you have the McTwitches. It's a term coined by Morgan Spurlock in his documentary Super Size Me.

As Morgan himself says in his hit documentary, while eating a double-quarter pounder super-sized meal:

"See, now's the time of the meal when you start getting the McStomach ache. You start getting the McTummy. You get the McGurgles in there. You get the McBrick, then you get the McStomach ache. Right now I've got some McGas that's rockin'. My arms... I feel like I've got some McSweats goin'. My arms got the McTwitches going in here from all the sugar that's going in my body right now. I'm feeling a little McCrazy."

by adel7 August 31, 2007

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NOLA clap

NOLA clap is a complex and very deep concept. It is a feeling of unity among all New Orleanians. When one yells out "NOLA clap" everyone from New Orleans must yell "fa sho" or clap out loud.

At the Saints game there were many NOLA claps around.

by adel7 November 29, 2007

13πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

From way downtown

In basketball, to shoot a very long three-pointer that simply is awesome.

In NBA Jam, back in the good old days, the commentary would yell out "from way downtown" if you shoot a three.

by adel7 January 13, 2008