Source Code


Flurn is similar to fluff or dust but particular to pockets only. Mostly found collected in corners of said pockets and around old lifesavers candies and other breathmints. No one knows for sure how this matter is created and it remains a mysterious irritant.

I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out a coughdrop only to find it was covered in flurn, dang it!

by adelews June 14, 2007

72πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

rag tard

A man or boy who is a complete and utter moron about a woman's time of the month, i.e.; her period. Behavior towards her would either exhibit itself in his stupid remarks to his friends about "acting like an insane psycho", or being "uncontrollable emo" (...so usually like he acts 24/7/365, a full-on douchebag) - or oddly enough, still wanting to have sex and then making up foul, imbecilic, and non-existant sexual occurances to then gossip to his punk ass friend later about.

Trevor, "My girlfriend's on the rag and she's turned into the shebeast from hell, when she isn't crying like a bitch, she's trying to rip my fucking throat out and eat it raw...*sob*..."

Michael, "Aww shit dude...why don't you try a dirty filbert on her when she isn't looking and then flip into a redheaded clamback...then you can tell us all about it later...huh...huh?"

Me, "Fuck...you guys are such rag tards...and I'm standing right here...stupid fucks."

by adelews September 20, 2007

46πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

shake tramp

Noun. A shake tramp is someone who will literally do anything to get what they want. As popularized by the Canadian rock band Marianas Trench in their song "Shake Tramp". Can also specifically refer to using other "assets" besides your musical ones to gain a recording contract.

Park "I can't believe that skank got the promotion instead of me."
Terrance "Yeah, well I'm sure she wagged her butt like a shake tramp to get it."

by adelews August 13, 2007

97πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


The area code for Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Before dialing a phone number long distance to Calgary be sure to add 403 in front of it or else you'll get some other damn place...

by adelews October 9, 2007

111πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Another term for a headbanger, a listener of metal, a person who literally bangs their head to the music of metal.

Terrance, "Did you see that banger, windmill to Amon Amarth?"
Adele, "Wow. No. Can't say that I did."

by adelews August 30, 2007

95πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž

Air talking

To literally talk to the air, when the person you were talking to disconnects from either the internet or cellphone on purpose or is dropped via their provider.

I spent more time air talking, because Kez freaking DC's so much dammit!

by adelews June 12, 2007

87πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

air talking

To continue to speak to someone when they are either disconected from the internet or cell phone. To speak to the air.

Dammit Kez disconnects so much I spend more time air talking then I do talking to him!

by adelews June 11, 2007

95πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž