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The other half of the human population. Despite what extremists think, we do not deserve to be killed, castrated, mutilated, etc. I ask you, what is the difference in me saying "all women are she-demon with tits that suck you dry of your money," and you saying "all men are dogs, pigs, deserve to be castrated." Think before you say things.
Dr. King once said "Judge a man not by his skin color, but by the content of his character." Judge people by their character, not by what skin color, sex, religion, or culture someone comes from. I find this to be becoming mainstream and acceptable in our culture, to simply demean somebody or an entire demographic based on something that is outside that person or demographics control. I didn't choose to be male, it simply turned out that way. I didn't choose to be white, it simply turned out that way. Most of the rest of the male population and I do not rape women or molest young girls. But there is always going to be bad people among any demographic. Like most black people don't steal, and most immigrants are not illegal.

So I implore you to stop making generalized statements (i.e. "all men are pigs"), blanket accusations, and gross usage of stereotypes and calling it "just" or "right." It is not right, it is not just, and it is not ok.

woman:"All men are pigs"
man:"how would you know about the behavior of an entire demographic of people numbering at approx. 3.5 billion? How do you have the gall to accuse HALF of HUMANITY, off of the infinitesimally small group of men that you have ever met? how about you use logic instead of stupidity and feelings to make an argument before regurgitating misandric and bigoted statements."

by aegisofreason August 23, 2013

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