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noun- 1) Fresh snowfall accumulating in large amounts, usually untouched by snow grooming equipment. Best found in back country areas of a ski resort after a snowstorm. 2) One of the only cures for a snowner. 3)Snowboard slang for powder.

1) Wow, check out all the fresh pow-pow at the bottom of this cliff.
2) All this fresh pow-pow is giving me a snowner.

by ajBarber December 10, 2007

24👍 21👎


noun- snow-ner: The figurative boner one who participates in snow sports, such as skiing or snowboarding, gets before, during, and/or after a large snowstorm.

Dude, all this fresh pow-pow is giving me a huge snowner.

by ajBarber December 10, 2007

3👍 7👎