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Ithurtswhenipikachu (PokeMonnorhea)

1. A Link Cable Transmitted Disease (LCTD) contracted by contact with an infected person, television set, computer, GameBoy, GameBoy Advance, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo DS, or Nintendo Wii, causing sore thumbs, headaches, the inability to forget anything related to this cash cow franchise, including but not limited to the names of all 493 pokemon, their stats, growth rates, locations and availability, habits, mating rituals, history, food chains, ecosystems, and origins.

2. Symptoms include: the inability to speak or think about anything unrelated to anything other than pokemon, and upon realization of the condition, a vain attempt to join in the conversations of others just to feel accepted after almost 10 years of knowing only pokemon as their god, and finally, a burning sensation caused whilst urinating.

person1:dude, did you see that episode of X-Play yesterday? Pokemon Diamond and Pearl totally got a 3/5!!
person2: lolzorz
chronic sufferer of Ithurtswhenipikachu (PokeMonnorhea): did you know that there are now over 493 different species of--
person1 and person2 together: stkfu, we don't want your disease!

by aka_Pyro April 22, 2007

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. A combat law enforcement agent and mediator in Square-Enix's Final Fantasy Tactics Advance for the GBA. These individuals would oversee the battle and enforce the daily laws with rewards for performing recommended actions, and punishment for breaking the law. Later in the game, said laws could be counteracted with special law cards, which could erase and create new laws.
2. An elite branch of the Archadian Imperial Military from Square-Enix's Final Fantasy XII for PS2. These distinguished warriors wear unique and elaborate suits of armor that mirrored the armor of the above judges.

1. Weak, Fire was outlawed and I accidentally used my fighter's Backdraft! Now the Judge just sent him to prison!

2. Holy crap, I'm up against some Judge and a handful of Imperial Soldiers... Gotta kill the weaklings first...

by aka_Pyro May 10, 2007

15πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


An acronym for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the 2003 Game Boy Advance spinoff of Square's Final Fantasy Tactics for the Play Station from 1997. See Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

I like to play FFTA sometimes, because it is a game with serious replay value hidden beneath a cute and addictive exterior.

Square-Enix should pay me for all the time I spend glorifying their epic games.

by aka_Pyro November 4, 2007

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


One of the best units to play a no rush game (a game where you wait 5-20 mins before attacking, in contrast to all the little babyback n00bs who zerg the crap out of you early on) with in StarCraft on Battle.net, especially when used with Arbiters, the greatest free online gaming service that has been around for more than 10 years.

person1: dudes, i'm sending Arbiters to the last base, bring the Carriers, Guardians, and Battlecruisers to the warp point!

...30 seconds later: Opponent: HOLY MOTHER OF!--*player gets crap owned out of him...

by aka_Pyro April 1, 2007

61πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Purple Penis

The superhero alter-ego of the character Cat in the Newgrounds Flash series Retarded Animal Babies Episode 4: Stupor Heroes, animated by David C. Lovelace. He has the 'power to penetrate mighty fortresses', though he 'prefers shaved fortresses.' See also: Infinity Lad, Bruce Willis-Man,Satan Man, the Fucking Fucker, and the Triple-D Triplets.

Cat: I'm the Purple Penis! I penetrate mighty fortresses, and sometimes hairy ones!

Puppy: No, I called Purple Penis!

Cat: No, you said you were going to be the Green Penis.

Bunny: Green Penis? Eeeewwww!

by aka_Pyro September 27, 2007

23πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Rat Morning Star

1a: Rat- a small, omnivorous, usually disease carrying rodent.
1b: Morning star- a powerful club or mace.
1c: Rat Morning Star: a weapon/summoned monster forged from a dead rat tied to a stick and infused with Bankai energy, resulting in a 15' tall undead rat warrior with a giant pole attached to its tail.

Leo totally started kicking ass when he activated his Rat Morning Star! see also: Rat Flail

by aka_Pyro June 15, 2007

18πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Character Sheet

1. In table-top role-playing games, such as Dungeons & Dragons, a Character Sheet is the paper representation of a player character. Its function mirrors that of stat screens and menus in computer and console RPGs, because it keeps track of your character, your character's stats, equipment, etc. In the revised version of Dungeons & Dragons v3.5, Character Sheets are about four pages, the first having the character's name, ability scores, equipped weapons, etc; the second and third pages contain equipment and magic information, and the last page keeps track of your skill ranks and feats.

You can download Character Sheets as Adobe PDFs off of Wizards' official website.

by aka_Pyro June 13, 2007