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1. Forceful, yet playful interaction between a throbbing happy-rod and <insert orifice here>. Doesn't really need much more explanation.

person1: haha! she got penised in her/the <insert orifice here>!

by aka_pyro May 26, 2007

34πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Boy Scouts of America

To all those who have written or heard negatively about the BSA as a whole, NOT ALL participants in the Scouting Movement are: bigoted, right-wing, pro-life, vindictive, scum-sucking bastards. Although there are a few members that accurately fit some or all of the above descriptors, the REAL scouts actually adhere to most of the ideals represented by the Scout Oath and Law.

You may have heard that the entire BSA openly discriminates against people for there sexual orientations, religious beliefs, or lack thereof. NOT TRUE. Most troops, such as my own, are against discrimination. See also: Scout Oath.

An organization dedicated to providing fundamental life-skills and leadership training for young men and women. Membership requires dedication, honor, and character.

Neil Armstrong was an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.

The Boy Scouts of America. If the real world was like D&D, these people could be likened to a group of Paladins. Yes, that was a nerdy analogy, but at least I got the message across.

by aka_pyro June 24, 2007

99πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

The Prodigal Knight

The nickname of Master Revan from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox and PC, given to him/her after successfully defeating Darth Malak, destroying the Star Forge, and bringing balance to the Force and justice to the galaxy. The significance of the name refers to how Revan was originally captured as a Sith Lord, brought back from the brink of death by Bastila, had his/her memory erased and rewritten, regained his/her memories of the Star Forge and of being Dark Lord of the Sith, remaining a Jedi despite the resurfacing memories, mastering the force...and so on. The point is, Revan was going to conquer the galaxy as a Sith Lord, and ended up saving it as a Jedi.

Master Vandar: We Jedi now have another tale to weave into the grand history of hour eternal Order - the Redemption of Revan, the prodigal knight.

by aka_pyro May 7, 2007

43πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The domain of bandwagon losers, retards, wannabes of all sorts (i.e. wiggers and camera whores), skanks, skig-skags and scalawags, akin to Battle.net, but not nearly as fun.

person: yes, something you laaack...
myspacezombie:...plz talk about my paaage...
person:...go fuck off...

by aka_pyro April 1, 2007

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


1. A pejorative term referring to a person possessing qualities of laziness, a general bad temper, and/or a general lack of hygiene.
2. When used in reference to a very hygienic person, the term emphasizes their poor temperament and vanity going hand in hand.

If you're just in it for the money, you're no better than a schlub.

by aka_pyro August 18, 2008

37πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

natural selection

1. the main process behind evolution, as stated by Charles Darwin. Also known as survival of the fittest, meaning those with superior traits are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation.

This is how life on Earth has progressed for millions of years, driven by instincts encoded into the DNA of all living things. But sadly, as a result of several factors, including exponential intelligence, irrational emotions, etc, the species Homo sapiens is slowing down in terms of evolution. Due to the successful creation of societies and advancements in the sciences of medicine, humans have become exempt from the laws of natural selection, leading to degeneration within the species.

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A RACIST OPINION IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM. THIS IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CRAP LIKE SOCIAL DARWINISM OR BULLSHIT LIKE THAT. The point is, civilization has brought physical evolution of humanity to a halt. Medical and genealogical studies have revealed that those living in less industrialized or progressed regions or eras, differences in hygiene and anatomical knowledge aside, were more healthy and adaptable than people living in high-level civilizations. Or something like that.

Anyways, that's my opinion. Natural Selection doesn't apply to humans as long as humans stay indoors. Due to lapses in judgment, the "Unnatural Selection" that we have imposed on ourselves will bring doom to our species. Have a nice day!

fanaticalreligiousperson1: Natural selection doesn't exist!

concernedrationalperson2: True, in humanity's case. Otherwise, you're retarded.

by aka_pyro May 14, 2007

264πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

inf terran

1. Battle.net StarCraft slang, short for Infested Terran, usually used by Terran players like aka_Pyro when asking a Zerg ally if they would like a spare Command Center to infest.

When someone offers you the opportunity to do this, it is advised that you use it. Nothing cooler than pissing off the enemy with inf terran drops near their resources. Also, when someone offers you this chance, it is symbol of trust, meaning in exchange for the colossal amount of resources they'll spend building the Centers, they expect you to help protect that investment, by building extra defenses for them. For this reason, in a team game, the only person who is playing as Terrans on each team is a valuable asset/target to protect/destroy. It's fun to be the only Terran on your team.

aka_pyro to anonymous Zerg ally: inf terrans?

by aka_pyro June 11, 2007