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the way Americans pronounce the word centre, or, center

A: America is the cenner of the universe
B: Wow you really sound like an americanist american

by akamemake October 22, 2023


A type of matrix decomposition geniuses learn in linear algebra by decomposing a B matrix into three components Q, A, and Q-1

Mom what's the coolest matrix decomposition?

by akamemake May 10, 2023

pseudo addiction

is when you think you're addicted to something but it's all just in your brain

The theory claims that most addiction e.g. cigarettes belongs to pseudo addiction but not real addiction

"If people are suffering, they need a higher dose"

When you have pseudo addiction, the solution is in front of you: you need a higher dose.

by akamemake March 22, 2023


the amount of money that costs to for one to die in a submarine on its way to meet titanic 12500 feet below sea level

Some billionnaire(s) paid 250k to die in a submarine

by akamemake June 23, 2023

I don't know what that means

A common response that happens when an asker made a point
but the receiving end felt offended and looked down on the question.
Then quipped by the receiving end!

A: Hey any tips on how to make money?

B: I don't know what that means.

by akamemake May 28, 2023

such is life

the moment you realize you may die soon because of John Wick

Marquis: You don't know, do you?
Winston: Such is life. Such is life.

by akamemake May 24, 2023