The old bastard in front of you with his left turn signal on who then turns right.
If grandpa fucknose doesnt step on the gas I am going to scream.
18π 6π
When somebody sticks there legs over the back of there head and somebody licks there arsehole
28π 99π
A type of subculture in parts of Japan, consisting of women who bleach their hair light blonde, wear platform shoes, short skirts and lots of bright colors, regularly visit tanning salons, and apply makeup to darken their faces. The word literally means "blackened face" in Japanese. Guangurro often bear a resemblence to Marsha Braidy, from the 1970's sitcom the Brady Bunch. Simmilar in some ways to kogal in that they are most often somewhat conservative.
Last time Timmy was in Tokyo, he saw a Guangurro and took a picture.
1π 2π
A guy that is a coding guru and good people.
'That Folken is such a coder man!'
31π 10π
The girl is on her back with her heels on the back of his neck. He is standing with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. And then she screams "Hucklebuck!"
Christy and I were on the boat labor day weekend at lake Texoma and I introduced her to the Hucklebuck; with some of her friends.
2π 51π
When the situation arises where you're visually blocked from the action and you have to terminate friend and foe in order to secure the objective for your team.
I had to baghdad coffin my comrade who had our flag along with the enemy flag carrier because they were in a close exchange of fire.
5π 4π
The most gorgeous song done by Led Zeppelin. While the guitar chords are simple, it is composed brilliantly.
I believe stairway to heaven refers to a lady's greed leading to her demise. Much of the song refers to capitalism (western civilizaiton) and money in a negative light.
There's a lady whose sure
All that glitters is gold
and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a feeling I get, when I look to the West/ and my spirit is crying for leaving.
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