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an abbreviation of the name of the band "rage against the machine" , a rap metal/hip hop rock band of the mid-late 90's, a rabble rousiong, riot inducing, system destroying powerhouse, the inspiration of a generation, and all round anarchic motherfuckers. this is one band thats going down in the history books.

" yo, check da new rage album man, that shit is da madnotes!"
"word, bitch, i got that shit, dat is some fuckin class tunes"

by alan the clit commander. August 5, 2003

194👍 212👎


a shithole. where i live, and an absolute fucking dump

" yo, neva go ta romiley man, its full of scallys, and it reeks o' shite"

by alan the clit commander. August 5, 2003

10👍 9👎