Source Code

you guys

Proof of America's sexist bias. Although it's obviously designed to address the male sex, this phrase is used just as often by girls between girls.

After leaving band class every day, I would always hear the same group of girls address one another: "hey, you guys, listen." I find it ironic there was not a single guy in their midst.

by aleclair February 21, 2006

75πŸ‘ 315πŸ‘Ž


Proof that American Civilization's weakness is that it can't spell to save its life.

It's banana, goddamnit!

NOT bananna!

by aleclair March 5, 2006

165πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


A sort of shrub in the Middle East... also the essential word for Scrabble players.

I have a Q but no U, so I'm going to put down the word "qat". Challenge me all you want; it's a real word!!

by aleclair June 21, 2005

272πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

trash gnome

The trash gnome is the selected person, out of a group that sits together for lunch, that throws everyone's trash away. Currently an in-joke between a few people... you know who you are.

The position of Trash Gnome should be considered as a trade-off; you have the Holy Privelege of eating lunch with us (although we hate you!) provided that you throw out all our trash.

Also known as Trash Fairy, Trash Elf, Trash Nazi.

Me: Shivam, YOU'RE the trash gnome! <a strong-handed push of the large trash can commonly found in our school>

Him: No, I don't want to be the trash gnome <push of trash can back to me> - now give me a dollar or you get ketchup all over yourself.

by aleclair March 13, 2006

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


1. An "individual" is generally considered one who follows only his(her) own rules of life.

2. Also, in general, anything that is different from the rest of the world in any way.

1. Jon is the true individual. He says so many times until it becomes a catchphrase, "I don't care what the 'others' think about my actions" - and his actions (often crude and immature) support that phrase.

2. My DNA is probably truly individual.

by aleclair November 17, 2005

84πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A popular person is one who is well respected by his peers and has a strenuous and demanding social life. The word is mostly used in the context of middle or high school.

Popular students in middle or high school are not necessarily popular because they are nice people. As well, popular people arenҀ™t necessarily heartless snobby bitches or assholes Ҁ“ different high schools have different standards of attraction, meaning that the qualities that are looked for in the social elite differ based on the school environment. At some schools and in some groups, truly nice people are liked, and in other schools and groups, popular people simply wish to climb the social ladder by whichever means possible; social behavior is a game of chess rather than an enjoyable experience.

To say that every school has a social elite is a fallacy as well. I have been to two high schools; one of them did not have a school-wide social elite. Instead socialization was immensely group-based, with the majority of socialization taking place in your group. There were people whose names were known by everyone, but for the most part, there was no major gap between popular and unpopular, and it could have been argued everyone was popular in some way, whether good or bad.

Two types of popularity occur in a high school setting. First, there is positive popularity, where people know and revere you. Secondly, there is negative popularity, where everyone knows your name, everyone talks about you, but nobody likes you.

Like in Bruce Almighty, where Bruce asks for the powers of God yet falls apart due to his duties being God, the boy standing on the fringes of society did not ask to be popular, as he knew the social headache he would receive.

by aleclair November 30, 2006

18πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

wolf parade

A Canadian indie rock band with Arcade Fire connections whose first record was produced by none other than Issac Brock of Modest Mouse fame. As if all of those connections to famous people were not enough, their debut album, "Apologies to the Queen Mary", became overhyped by the online Media Machine as the Next Big Thing(r).

Leaving the indie snobbery behind, they are a damn good band who wrote some extremely good songs that are currently stuck in my head

Wolf Parade is another part of the great '80s revival going on in contemporary indie rock.

by aleclair May 18, 2006

60πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž