An overrated, possibly nonexistent, feeling. Associated with losing all logic and sanity.
Julius must love that girl, because he's acting all rude and offensive on me, as if I'm going to take her away.
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Someone who thinks a band is automatically "bad" or "uncool" as soon as they recieve the tiniest bit of success. They will ignore that "successful" band and then rush to Pitchfork or some other snobby music site to find some obscure band to replace them.
Indie snobs think that Modest Mouse became uncool when "The Moon and Antarctica" was released; when "Float On" became a hit, indie snobs had ignored the band for quite a few years.
However, you aren't an indie snob if you hate Death Cab for Cutie for showing up on the OC. All you have is common sense.
262π 72π
Where you're going to end up if you get a master's degree in the following:
1) Art History
2) Fine Arts
3) Philosophy
4) Literature
"I know the barista at this Starbucks: she was in my 'Critical Analysis of James Joyce' class in college!"
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In poetry, a Metrical Foot that has an unstressed (short) syllable followed by a long (stressed) syllable.
An iamb, when diagrammed, looks somewhat like this: ^ '
Iambic Pentameter is an iambic verse used by Shakespeare, his colleagues and imitators, and by countless romantic poets throughout the ages.
A Poem about Poetry in Iambic Tetrameter
The Iamb! the Trochee! can't you see
they're different kinds of poetry
Oh no, you say, they're types of verse.
So I was cursed until the end
Oh, God! Oh, Friend, can you help me
Release myself from agony?
12π 5π
Lacrosse is a trendy sport that seems to have been idolized by many in the past 5 years. It appears to be a rather preppy sport, although I am not the best judge for that.
1)Honestly, I first heard of Lacrosse two years ago, when someone in my social studies class made a Lacrosse stick as part of a Native American research project.
2)The preppily-dressed senior had to go to her Honda to retrieve the lacrosse stick she forgot.
69π 96π
An extremely annoying indie pop collective. Their instrumentation may be unique, but their music is so sugary that one can do nothing but cringe, as if their teeth are rotting under their lips, while listeining to it.
Me: What are you listening to, Alex?
Alex: Oh, I've got Architecture in Helsinki on my iPod. Have you heard of them?
Me: Yeah, they annoy the living hell out of me. You should listen to some real music. How about some Tapes 'n' Tapes? Some Wire? Some Sebadoh? Those are all far better choices.
12π 67π
Lockdown, or Lockdown Mode, is when a public school building is literally locked down so that the Police, as well as the Great Drug-Sniffing Dogs, can search - without a warrant - lockers for drugs and other Contraband Items. And before you ask, yes it is constitutional. I am so sorry.
1. During the annual lockdown mode, we must turn off all the lights in the classroom and not move a muscle; if we are seen in the hallways we are automatically a suspect.
2. Many students question whether this Torture violates the fourth amendment - as there is search and seizure going on without a Warrant - but I'm afraid that you lose many constitutional rights when we go into our schools.
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