A house in the South with only one room, small and simple enough that you could shoot a shotgun in one door and out the other. (Improvement on previous definition)
After Katrina, people who had real homes are building shotgun houses because the insurance companies are screwing them over.
18👍 19👎
a cool muscian, usually a jazzer who can play extremely well.
2754👍 1207👎
funnius maximus
Dave Chapelle is the funniest comedian in the whole world.
219👍 56👎
A Nigerian scam, named after section 419 of the Nigerian Constitution. Not sure why fraud is a constitutional right in Nigeria, but I guess it makes as much sense as guns.
A 419 in my spambox:
ATTENTION Sir/mandam
I am Mr Benard Obuka. a former special adviser on petroleum and economic matters to the late Head of State Federal Republic of Nigeria General Sani Abacha. Because of my strategic position in the former Government,and also being a close confidant of the Head of State.
I was able to acquire personally,the sum of $10,000,000.00USD (Ten Million United States Dollars) presently lodged in security company Europe.
I made this money legally through "CONSULTANCY FEE" and Good Faith Fees"paid by foreign oil companies prior to Allocation of Deep oillocks and otherLifting/prospecting Right. Nigeria is the 6thlargest Producer/Exporterof Crude Petroleum in the World.As you are probably aware Nigeria is prone to political/Economic Instability,hyper Inflation, and among other problems,I have therefore resolved to invest my money abroad, preferable in RealEstate Properties and Importation of Goods for safety and optimum returns on Investments. However, straight transfer of this money into a bank abroad will present two major problems:1. The tax incidence will be too high, as much as 40% of this money will go up in Taxes, Levies, Penalties etc.
2, As an Ex seviceman in a former military government on which the present democratic government of umaru Yara'Dua is fighting very hard to freeze the accounts of the men that served in the government of
General,Sani Abacha.
So as a result of Government deliberate restrictions on flight of capital Abroad. The solution I had was to package the money in a Diplomatic IRON TRUNK BOXES tagged family persoanl luggage.This system is secret and the money is therefore untraceable.
All I now need is a honest partner who can receive the money on my behalf and help me to invest it as aforementioned. There is absolutely no risk involved in this transaction as the money will be delivered to you in United States Dollars. If you are interested in assisting me, get back to me through my private box benardobuka1944@yahoo.co.uk, for more detailed informations.
For your help and assistance in this transaction, you will receive 40% oftotal sum of the money in cash, 10% will be set aside to offset all expenses while the remaining 50% is for me.
Finally, you should urgently email your personal phone and fax numbers for an easier means communication. Expecting to hear from you.
Best Regards,
Mr Benard Obuka.
79👍 63👎
Guy who once said that the US should take over parts of Canada to get more white citizens. Quit the Republican Party in 2000, GW Bush got down on his knees and asked him real nicely to stay.
Patrick J Buchanan, commander in chief of the Buchanan Brigades.
107👍 77👎