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I think it also means, getting beaten to the punch or getting scooped. (someone gets there first)

I was working on this big newspaper exposé but I got punked by another newspaper.

by alex123 May 12, 2005

6👍 36👎

Outrage Culture

The manufactured response of anger through misleading facts to be targeted against people/things who had nothing to do with the original events/“outrage”

“Did you see those liberals banned Dr Seuss!”

Well Kyle, it was actually the publishers who made that decision, stop falling for Outrage Culture.

“They’re teaching Islam in school!”

Peter, they talk about all Abrahamic faiths during history in schools, they have for years. No ones converting your child, that’s Outrage Culture.

“Those pedo libtards are letting Men into Women bathrooms”

Ever heard of a co-op bathroom Jim? Stop listening to Tucker Carlson, he practices Outrage Culture.

by alex123 March 15, 2021

43👍 39👎