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Toledo is only one of Ohio's many shitholes.

There's Dayton, there's Cleveland.. Many places to get fucked up in.
There's run-down neighborhoods, empty, rotting houses, streets with more holes in them than fucking swiss cheese, drug dealers and crime all over the place and some of the worst chemicals floating around from all those toxic waste factories.

The income is below average low, the public schools your worst enemy and some of the people are some real crackheads.

Leave before it's too late and you become one of them.

Oh and the East is the worst. I mean everything sucks but the East.. Never go there; or do go there, you will never want to go there again then. Maybe you won't be alive to return anyway.

Guy 1: Dude, Toledo kinda rocks!

Guy 2: Only when you lived in Youngstown before...

by alexismcforman February 21, 2020

11👍 10👎