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A term of endearment suggesting great love and appreciation for each other, aswell as desire. Cuddling and sexual acts are common and encouraged because the friendship is so strong it simply bring the individuals close togetherr. Often mistaken for a term of friendship without sexual connotations, this assumption falls short, as it is at this point in the friendship that the want for affection in all forms is both genuine and mutual. A common misunderstanding is viewing the 'friend zone' as a dead end. Wake up! This is your green light. All the strongest loves are rooted in friendship. And if you are fortunate enough to fall in love with your best friend, you owe it to the both of you to find out whether they feel the same.

Person One: Hey, buddy.

Person Two: I love you, too.

by allthebacon November 27, 2017

15👍 7👎