Source Code

Mashed Potatoes

your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed :0

explanation: chewing potatoes mashes them ;)

To me, you are a mashed potato (mashed potatoes).

by allyson and ashley and audrey December 2, 2020


When you're texting your friends of how sad you are so you use this to make you seem grateful and stuff
NOT TO BE USED AS A LAUGHING/CRYING EMOJI >:((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
ooh a mega quindruple chin 😍❤

Sara: My mom abandoned me and then killed my dog and then starved me to almost death so im sitting in the cold hard basement surviving off of bits of crumbs the rats left behind
Sara: :')

by allyson and ashley and audrey December 2, 2020

12👍 8👎