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Sabrina Carpenter

MY MOM she slays mine and yours and your grandma’s asses. creator of the iconic song When You Feel Like Shit On Your Period. don’t play with the pasta queen. her voice is like an angel and will leave your wig in the next dimension. she’s a punny, gorgeous, loving, kind human whom the world does not deserve. singular is coming for the world’s weaves don’t say i didn’t warn you. she took a shower and she’s feeling wet. be an intellectual and go stream EVOLution and Eyes Wide Open, your ears will thank me later. don’t even try to hate on her because she’ll sick goodwin on you. she pushed all the lemons and has proved that she will keep snapping and keep showing the world that she ain’t no child. *peace signs out*

i’m gay for Sabrina Carpenter and for Sabrina Carpenter only

by alnetogethers September 30, 2018

51👍 8👎