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the episcopal academy

The Episcopal Academy, also known as a small utopia (aside from the not so attractive and soon to be relocated campus) in the Main Line of Pennsylvania, is characterized by its party goer, polo wearing and polo playing, mostly Caucasian students. When one pulls into the Episcopal Campus one would feel as if they were in a luxury car seller's finest garage. Past the cars are the flawless looking girls, 99% of whom have popped collars, play 3 sports or sport north face fleeces, and also have self tanning down to an art. Then the boys, who also share the north face fleece look, wear ck Bradley belts or Roca Wear sweatshirts, and are notorious for their sports, especially EA basketball- where the churchmen win the Inter Ac annually. After school hours, EA kids continue with their athletics by playing some beer pong and also taking occasional wawa trips. Contrary, to the teacher's beliefs EA kids are intelligent and tend to go to off to elite schools across the country after graduation, yet they do not always stay in these schools due to the Episcopal partier mentality. Although many EA students are trapped in an EA bubble, EA would be a lot less interesting without its very competitive rivals, Haverford (where the girls go for boys) and Agnes Irwin (where the boys go for girls they can more "easily" get with). A culmination of this rivalry can be seen on Episcopal/ Haverford Day where both schools compete for a very sacred sweater. Finally, EA kids do work hard, but party harder: they tend to crash daddy's BMW, but always get a Range Rover back in return, they are skilled at chasing a shot with a beer while people are screaming "YOU WONT" in the background- lastly, following these nights they learn to blame their morning-after sickness on food poisoning, to their main line moms and then repeat this cycle the following weekend in order to keep the EA spirit alive.

WOAH Em did you go to Palm Beach over the weekend you look so tan?
No, but I just got a new bottle of self tanner!

by an alumn March 5, 2005

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