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Scene kids can be broken down into three catogories:

scene-b's: The "b" stands for baby. These are scene kids who are new to the scene or who don't generally know what the fuck they are about. Unfortunatley most kids labled scene fall into this catogory. scene-b's dont understand why they wear girl pants and usually reply to insults about it with "i like how they feel" or someother lame excuse.

typ-scene: The "typ" stands for typical. typ-scene kids won't be as inclined to wear girl pants but those who do understand the point behind and wear them because girls like it or cuz pants are pants and who gives a fuck. a typ-scene kid usually plays an instrument of some sort but alot of times aren't very good. typ-scene kids have decent tastes in music. typ-scene kids usually wear tight band shirts girl pants or tight guy pants.

evo-scene: The "evo" stand for evolved. evo-scene kids are diffrent from standard scene kids and are looked up to. evo-scene kids have superb tastes in music and often listen to a wide spectrum. evo-scene kids don't wear girl pants instead they wear designer jeans or a trusty pair of anything low-rise; they still wear band shirts but only under their tight polo shirts. evo-scene kids usually can play an instrument and are fairly talented at doing such. they don't bother with most of the myspace bullshit and and scene drama. Some evo-scene kids might not even look scene at first but indeed they are. evo-scene kids are true scene kids and they act it.

scene-b's: "Hey did you guys go to the MCR show yesterday? man they are cool. I slit my wrists the other day after takeing 76 triple c's."

typ-scene "Hey did you guys go to the saosin show yesterday? they fucking rock live. Fuck i want to go get drunk and do some cocaine. then just fucking chill out and watch some movies while making out with some hot scene girls."

evo-scene "Hey did you guys go to the pinback show yesterday? that shit is so chill. We should go smoke some bud and chillax in my room, maybe go down to the skatepark in a bit."

by an evo-scene kid December 12, 2005

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