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shitface (verb) : 1. to bomb on sth., to get rejected, to have sth. blow up in one's face, literally "as if to plant one's face in shit" 2. to land face first into the ground, to face plant into the ground
shitface (noun): derogatory put down to describe someone as ugly
shitfaced (adjective): to not know how bad one looks from doing stupid things while being sloppy drunk

shitface (verb): 1. "I totally shitfaced the interview, the interviewer asked me questions which I had no idea what he was talking about." 2. "Jim was running full speed down the hill when he tripped over a wire and shitfaced hard into the pavement."
shitfaced (noun): "Hey shitface! How about you go take a dirt nap with Elvis!"
shitfaced (adjective): "I got so shitfaced the other night, I had no idea I was hitting on a transvestite."

by anal retentive definition man March 5, 2014

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