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it’s not help for people

it’s means of you are dying of laughter, just for quirky, you don’t have to put “IM LAUGHING SO HARD” instead of “HELPP”


Other person: GIRL HELPPP GNN

by anatas December 1, 2022


It has a different weird personality and uses that old slang and trends.

"HELP- GIRL- I- BYE- 😭🤚"
"girl you're giving coco"

by anatas June 26, 2023


ignorism is a ignore.

ignorism is likely you just ignore them all days, weeks, months, and years that you didn't respond to their message for 472318473281473217483201498321 years.


That girl is ignorism because she just ignores my texts in the earlier morning!
You are giving ignorism because you didn't respond to my texts in discord, I am about to block you fr.

by anatas December 1, 2022


A type of yandere but too far. As a yangire are a kind person behind that she's a crazier person she really wants to kill her own senpai to death.

A girl name "Aiko Li" and she's yangire that she wants to kill the senpai to pull out his heart to feel comfortable.

by anatas June 26, 2023

Echoes Virus

If you're from Identity V and know what's echoes are, this is very important to tell you about Echoes Virus.

Echoes are currency from Identity V where you can buy echoes with your real money, then it turns out you're very addicted to getting more echoes which causes you to want to get a rare S costume. That might affect you from essences, you want to get more echoes to get a rare Limited S-Costumes so bad that you buy too much.

Be careful, your money might run out and can't get echoes sadly, and you're becoming more waster-money, which means you got Echoes Virus.

You: Ugh, I want echoes.
Friend: Dude, stop wanting echoes so bad, it's looks like you got echoes virus seriously.

by anatas January 1, 2024

Identity V

What's Identity V?

The game's stand is called "Identity V" and the heaviest knock-off of Dead By Daylight. As in the game, the appearance looks family-friendly with no blood, with all dolls looking like a knock-off Coraline Movie (2009). With all of the games that can only be played on any device and no controller games like Xbox, Playstations, and others according to controllers.

The game is only friendly-family but violent which means you're under 13 years old and can't play the game til you're 13 years old allowed to play the game unless your parents or yourself don't care but this game has cautions weird stuff if you're like to play the game.

This game has over 300 million which means includes NA/EU and Asia, and people gave this rate under 5 out of 10 because of how bad of qualities, and other stuff with assets however other people love this game because of the many skins and cool stuff you can buy it with fragments if you want to buy echoes can allow you to buy whatever you want unless clues are might be different, it's only for characters and furniture from the shop you can purchase it.

This game causes 300 million loves to play this game have good qualities with costumes which means they're A rarity and S rarity which are pretty good costumes however some of the crossovers don't have any effects but in the future will have effects gonna be fancy that people won't complain this game.

Have you heard of Identity V before?

No... what's that?

Let me explain about Identity V that you need to know about this.

by anatas January 1, 2024