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cum plant

the leaf/vine like plant that, when ripped oozes a white secretion that is very similar to man juice.

mark has an obsession withthe cum plant

mark: look guys a cum plant!
*drinks the fluid of the cum plant*
everyone: that is so horribly disgusting i think i'll have to kill gerry

by andrew osullivan September 12, 2006

12👍 4👎

arm wrestle

the ultimate test of masculinity. the loser is usually subject to teasing about his femininity or forced to do a degrading act. but its awesome wen u win, a massive sense of accomplishment is felt, even if beating a little girl. involves the pitting of one's bicep and tricep muscles against those of another.

we had a titanic arm wrestle but after 3 hours i won and proved i was more of a man than that 9-year-old girl

by andrew osullivan December 30, 2006

33👍 13👎


to perform when the pressure is on and you are being heavily relied on. a big-time situation.

derek jeter
tory holt
my good self
are all clutch

by andrew osullivan November 29, 2006

28👍 26👎

tom cruise

the man who invented pink

im tom cruise and im a douchebag

by andrew osullivan December 4, 2006

44👍 36👎

19th base

having sex with an inanimate object yet still reaching an orgasm. the object must also orgasm.

only 2 people are known to have achieved this. ron jeremy and chuck norris

ron jeremy: i got to 19th base with that sexy tree down the road

chuck norris: *ROUNDHOUSE KICK*

by andrew osullivan September 11, 2006

136👍 32👎


short for God Among Men

examples of G.A.M's include: Michael Vick(speed), Michael Jordan(hangtime), Adam Gilchrist(hitting power), Andrew Johns(ball-playing), Chris Judd(raw talent) and many more

by andrew osullivan October 2, 2006

20👍 27👎

the fuck-mtv generation

the small part of the population that was born after 1980 that does not conform to everything that is shown on mtv. people who can actually see the brainwashing effect that the channel has and can embrace rock music, in fact anything that uses an actual drumbeat and doesnt have a synthesiser

the people who should be in charge of the world are the fuck-mtv generation

by andrew osullivan December 1, 2006

174👍 28👎