FOI = Found On Internet. This is a standard response to someone asking where you found a picture, video, or the like; especially when you don't *actually* recall where you found said item.
My friend: "Where'd you get that weird picture?"
Me: "FOI."
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FOIDRGIS = Found On Internet during random Google image search. Reply for when someone asks where you found an image that, indeed, you found during such a search.
My friend: "Where'd you find that picture of that dead Russian hooker?"
A person who steals jokes and material from people on Twitter and tweets them as if they were their own, with no attribution, re-tweet, or credit given.
Can also be used as a verb, as in to "zachishere" someone's joke or material; see also, "zachishered".
Wow, that girl stole my joke without giving me credit or re-tweeting me! What a total zachishere!
You totally got zachishered by that guy!
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A person who steals jokes and material from people on Twitter and tweets them as if they were their own, with no attribution, re-tweet, or credit given.
Can also be used as a verb, as in to "ohheytay" someone's joke or material; see also, "ohheytayed".
Wow, that guy stole my joke without giving me credit or re-tweeting me! What a total ohheytay!
You totally got ohheytayed by that girl!
plagiarist, thief, scumbag, loser, twitter, tweetthief, zachishere, lurkey
A person who steals jokes and material from people on Twitter and tweets them as if they were their own, with no attribution, re-tweet, or credit given.
Hey, that tweetthief just posted my joke as their own!
A person who steals jokes and material from people on Twitter and tweets them as if they were their own, with no attribution, re-tweet, or credit given.
Can also be used as a verb, as in to "lurkey" someone's joke or material; see also, "lurkeyed".
Wow, that guy stole my joke without giving me credit or re-tweeting me! What a total lurkey!
You totally got lurkeyed by that girl!
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