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catholic church

the catholic church is not one of the lost books of the bible as they would lead to believe... the catholic church is the help of those unable to enter the congregation of the LORD by want of disposition. it's aim is to help others to have fulfilled laws old and new testaments written in there hearts ... it is for those who have no spiritual father. basically it is so so you can be accepted by the community of cristiandom .. if you are a bastard you cannot be accepted into the congregation of the LORD until you have fulfilled all ten generations the catholics work as a people to help those who must learn in completeness the law of there beliefs ... the church simply represents that... it basically means the fulfillment with the help of the catholic church of all ten generations so that any one can enter the tabernacle of the LORD

the creation of the catholic church... a guy died martyred his cause for 1000 years in jesus generation to create the catholic church he being the old testament and jesus being the new ... that essentially was how the catholic began..

by angus david macfarlane May 25, 2007

26👍 170👎


a pirate is someone that has no greater religious law other than himself or what he already believes in... they are on the forfront of any great change for they have only themselves to relate the truth to

i was a prite. there was no one or bunch of people with a higher moral priciple or religious laws in my surroundings other than that which i alreay was and what i already believed in... so i became a pirate because (as the religion wouild say) I was the LORD

by angus david macfarlane May 25, 2007

6👍 15👎

the lawful pirate (religion)

the lawful pirate is a religion that you must be born into by rights ... complies with the law of the savior ie old and new testaments... it is where instead of plundering you have a method of obtaining what people don't want .. which can sometimes be more than what they do want... this religion is that you are a ghost.. hence why you must be born into by rights.. and the earth or universe (for example) is made of water and spirit you float around in a ghost ship ..terrorising those that do not represent your religion... many pirates have ended up being lawful but as there is no law higher than they than can get caught in there own short fallings and face judgement the lawful pirate has the all his laws complete and accounted for hence why it is a fulfilled religion and not a persona

i was once a half of the lawful pirate (religion)as i did not have the rights and i terrorised chaotics asked what they wanted they replied... to kill you ... and i said "right! by my name and by the law of my god you will never infact for it is now permenantly and infinately impossible for you to lay even a finger on this body which i am until you have all been deafeated forever

by angus david macfarlane May 25, 2007

2👍 9👎


is anyone with a belief cause or moral priciple who practises in truth these things.. 72 virgins are earn't in the meaning of the belief cause or moral priciple... but what that means is a chance to wholly reveal this to his god as a turth... virgin can often mean the relating of his belief cause or moral priciple to others so that he is not harmed straight away as a result of his belief cause or moral principle... for a women they earn 54 rights (to there faith) and a man 72 virgins (to there faith) ... the reason for this is that it is according to there faith that these rights or virgins exists and as there is porn everywhere generally you'll find the rights or virgins (having to do with the martyrs faith) never change at all by him as they (virgins)or it (rights) represents what he or she believes,has faith in, has hope for excetera... martyrs are every where everybody possesses some sort of martyrdom within them but as is often most people mislead the facts.... your faith is everywhere you beliefs you causes and you moral principles some people belive in you some people love you and in some cases they want you dead.. if you have faith in what ever it is for whatever time with a whatever matrix there you are.... rights are and virgin faith is every where don't condemn and idea that is very old on a false premise...

hitler was a martyr .... george bush is a martyr (even though i think a pretty bad one) ... (BORAT is a matyr)

by angus david macfarlane May 25, 2007

11👍 95👎