the ever popular "scene kid".
go on myspace and you will get real life examples of a countless amount. with enough pictures for your mind to blur with the same repetitive images of bad hair, horrible photography (that they perceive to be "artistic") taken from horrible angles, ugly hair clips, anorexic boys, fake girls, tight pants, and wayyy too much eyeliner.
scene kids can usually be found at the local mall, spending their rich white parents' money on things that are ever-so-"kewl" at the moment and will make them all the more hxc. they also flock to shows and concerts like a black person to a pack of menthols.
scene kids are under the impression that they are way cooler and better than anyone who is not "with the scene". the boys enjoy kissing each other for attention. the girls enjoy giving the attention. the boys whine too much, but then again.. so do the girls.
they use slang such as "kthx" "rawr" and other unoriginal lingo that i don't care enough to elaborate on. they find it amusing to poo-poo anything not in the scene. they find it ABSOLUTELY hilarious to make fun of anything ghetto/rap/gang related.
scene kids will do anything to fit in. they pretend not to care, even though we all know how much time they spend fixing their multicolored hair.
some advice for the scene kids; boys- eat something, stop wearing makeup, and PLEASE stop shopping in the girl's department. girls- suck up your insecurities, lay the concert tees to rest, and get a hair color that actually suits you.
"wow. i'm going to be a kewl scene kid, say i'm original and impersonate every other god damn unoriginal teenager on the god forsaken website called myspace and take a shit load of pictures of myself and my hair with my expensive digital camera! don't you <3 my hxc hairband and all new tight pants? kthx. weRd."
14👍 16👎