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That horrid sweetner that claims to taste like sugar when it only taste like shit. Now soccermoms want thier kids to use this shit too. It tastes bitter and leaves a wierd feeling on the back of your throat.

*on box* "splenda made from sugar and tastes like sugar"

me: "I'm gonna try this when I get home."

me: *drinks coffee* "Fucking liars."

by annnnonnnnymous September 7, 2011

10πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

the milk gamble

When you get up in the morning for a bowl of cereal and there's almost no milk but there might be enough so you take the gamble. This can also happen with tea. If there's only a few drops left, you can take the milk gamble.

"Damn it we're almost empty. C'mon I don't want dry cereal." *poors milk* "Yes! Won the milk gamble again!"

by annnnonnnnymous August 24, 2011

team whores

When people use excessive or over-the-top team work in a 3rd or 1st person shooter video game. being killed by multiple people at once and cocky people on the mic are common. This is very common in the gears of war franchise and the halo franchise. They also generally flirt with eachother in gay party chat if they aren't being dicks over game chat.

You incap a person in gears of war 2 and you're going in for the kill. 3 to 5 people come out of completely nowhere and down you. After they've revived thier butt buddy, they blow you to pieces and they taunt your remains before you spawn.
"God damn team whores!"

by annnnonnnnymous August 21, 2011

1πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

gamer's boredom

That dreaded emptiness of being bored of every game in your collection. symptomes include: depression, anxiety and frustration.

Patient: no matter what I play, I always turn off the console.

Doc: I'm afraid you have a temporary case of video gamer's boredom.

Patient: D:

by annnnonnnnymous September 30, 2011

youtube censorship

After google purchased youtube, google went all out nazi and censored anything that could be censored. Sexuality, violence, even swearing in some cases. They also decided to censor channels for video game developers so people who are 16 or 17 couldn't see trailers for new games that are rate M because they were just a little bit younger than 18. This demonstrates google's faggottry and complete disregard for the community. If you thought the new lay out is bad, this is WAY WORSE!!

*trailer for new black ops map pack is out* "Sweet let's see what we've got." *clicks on video* "What!? I'm not old enough? I'm 17 for fuck sakes. Fuck youtube censorship."

by annnnonnnnymous August 28, 2011

55πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

get a life

What I say to these morons who thumb down posts for no good reason. Would someone just give this asshole a good kick in the balls already. What a discrace to the human species. I wish hitler would rise from the dead to put these dicks in a concentration camp. This probably won't be published.

me: I'm gonna check out my newest post.
1 thumb down
me: get a life fucking parasite.

by annnnonnnnymous September 5, 2011

17πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

chat tranny

When people of either gender pretend to be the opposite sex in a chat room. This is most common with men as they pretend to be so called "girls". I don't see why a girl would pretend to be a guy, but it's possible. It's relatively easy to identify a chat tranny. Annoying them or blowing thier cover will cause them to type the way thier real gender does. Be on the look out for them in chat rooms.

chat tranny: "Anyone wanna chat with a sexxy girl?"

chatter: "No piss off and stop being a chat tranny."

chat tranny: "Oh you son of a b****! I'm gonna kick your a**!"

by annnnonnnnymous August 25, 2011

3πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž