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Completely incredibly person who's mental capacities far beyond that of any other human. Especially a Swede.

Holy crap, that norwegian just invented a cure for cancer while taking a dump!

by anon. April 8, 2005

1532πŸ‘ 1815πŸ‘Ž


Someone who blatantly attempts to hide a lack of understanding in a skilled discipline (particularly in computing), using arrogance and the humiliation of others as key methods.

Used to describe a blagger

"He's a bit of a Bing"

"That Bing will never get that through QA"

by anon. March 1, 2005

32πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

chinese burn

A basic form of causing physical pain that is usually experienced for the first time in infant school. It invloves gripping the top of somebody's forearm with both hands then rotating the hands in opposite directions, thus stretching the skin. Tolerance to this increases with age, unless a meathead tries it and mangles not only your skin, but your muscles, ligaments and bones also.

1. Aww, I let my little cousin give me a chines burn today, and I pretended it hurt me.
2. Johnny Meatface wrestled me to the ground today and give me a chinese burn. I couldn't even breathe, let alone scream.

by anon. April 14, 2005

419πŸ‘ 202πŸ‘Ž

ass n titties

The best two things in the world.

Damn, I need some ass n titties.

by anon. December 8, 2004

138πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


-A man who serves as a 'maintenance man' for women.
-Someone to 'hit you off' when you need it.

I called up my hitman because I needed some maintenance

by anon. May 19, 2004

12πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


comes from the old english <i>auld</i> meaning 'wise' and the dutch <i>denusker</i> meaning 'gaurdian.' acutally means: <i>'wise gaurdian'</i>

1) <i>noun</i>: the dnd geek's wet dream. a flirtatious blonde who is not as dumb as her hair colour might suggest. many aldens hate pop music, and enjoy theatre and english class. can be found near shakespeare.

do not freeze aldens.

2) <i>verb</i>: to befriend mortal enemies and then have to deal with the consequences of their hatred for each other. <i>also see star crossed. 'to pull an alden.'</i>

3) <i>verb</i>: to make up words at ranodm and then attempet to pass them off as real.

1) oh man, that alden is so 1337. i just love the way she rolls those twenty-sided die...

2) young jim has pulled an alden, and now needs to have two birthday parties.

3) samantha had to hide her english teacher's dictionary, as she aldened much of her term paper.

by anon. July 7, 2004

106πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž


The art of turning a manga of one language into one of a different language. Includes translation of the story and editing of the actual artwork. Scanslations are done by fans for the whole fan community.

Scanslation groups are part of a large online manga fanbase.

by anon. February 28, 2004

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž