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A way for virgin losers with small penises who live in their parents' basements to feel cool or special by typing so as to replace letters with numbers or phonetic equivalents that are recognizable to others of their nerdly kind. It may have served a purpose back when it first started, but it's now a completely useless waste of time. If you use leet, you should consider joining a gym, using some Stridex pads, and taking the time to talk to a member of the opposite sex about something that doesn't involve computers or video games.

I am unaccomplished virgin loser with a small penis; therefore, I try to make myself feel better by communicating through leet...or 1337...I'm shpeshial.

by anon4005 August 21, 2006

1556👍 1498👎


adj. An overused slang term for sexually inappropriate or perverted or for attempting to derive sexual gratification through dishonorable means. Unfortunately, the word has become an abused favorite of melodramatic people who try hard to use the word wherever possible, to the point of rendering the word almost meaningless.

I hate that really creepy guy who keeps trying to dance with me.

by anon4005 August 19, 2006

1990👍 523👎