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a.k.a. NOT MUSIC. The worst kind of "music" next to reggeatone. (notice i use the term "music" mighty loosely) Black people use it to get their surpremacist messages across and to talk about their sex life... or lack thereof. Rap is not music, as it takes no talent to produce, let alone perform. No instruments are used and therefore no talent is needed. All one needs is a thing for rhyming and the ability to talk fast and somewhat rythmically... which damn-near anyone can do.

All rap is about is promotion of sex, drugs, and generic crime. It glorifies gangs and somehow it has captured the hearts of youth. It is best described as the Devil's Music.

Rap is not music. It takes no talent. If you like Rap, FUCK YOU! Rock is by far superior to your urban shit!

by anonymous rap-hater October 2, 2006

67👍 172👎


Another name for the rapper Tupac. He was killed by gangsters a long time ago.

Tupac??? Oh yeah! You mean Deadpac!

by anonymous rap-hater September 30, 2006

9👍 11👎

booty dance

the most appalling and shittiest way to "dance". it isn't really dancing, because it's barely rhythmic. it is what rap-lovers refer to when they say you can't dance to Rock.

If you enjoy booty-dancing, please don't do it at any party I happen to be attending... I will yell in a drunken rage, "GET A FUCKING ROOM, YOU RETARDS"!

Well, of course you can't booty dance to Rock! To so much as even attempt it would be blasphemy and therefore grounds for an ass-kicking!

by anonymous rap-hater October 2, 2006

79👍 196👎