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Located in NW suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, it is a booming town, who's population has risen from 5000 people to 20000 in over the course of 8 years. Although the town's old fashioned slogan may be "The Friendly Village with Country Charm," do not be fooled by this common misconception. Unfortunately it happens to be one of the most uneventful places in existence, causing people to become miserable with their routine bubble of the suburban lifestyle. Huntley's claim to fame is also the "Dairy Mart", a local ice cream shop, since, unfortunately, nothing worth value has ever occurred in 160 years of existence. You will be guarantee to get stuck behind a tractor on your already miserable commute to work. By the way, the town square has a gazebo. WELCOME TO HELL!

bob- hey did you hear what happened in Huntley the other day?!
jim- wait... something happened in Huntley?!

by anonymous092309 January 23, 2011

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